Comprehensive Eye Exams

Comprehensive Eye Exams

At Brenart Eye Clinic, we offer comprehensive eye exams that cover all aspects of your vision and eye health. We start with questions regarding your daily life and will any explore any symptoms you're experiencing at home or at work. Learn More

Contact Lens Exams

Contact Lens Exams

Contact lens exams include tests that are not always performed in regular eye exams, so be sure to let us know when scheduling your exam if you are considering contact lenses. That allows us to schedule the extra time required for contact lens fitting or prescription updates. Learn More

Emergency Services

Emergency Services

If you have a foreign object in your eye, are seeing flashes and floaters, or have another urgent medical problem related to your eyes, you can count on Brenart Eye Clinic's 24/7 emergency services. Learn More

Lens types

Pay Bill

Pay Bill

Payment of your bill can be completed directly through our secure payment portal or by using your CareCredit credit card. Learn More



It is recommended by the American Optometric Association (AOA) that infants should have their first comprehensive eye exam at 6 MONTHS of age. Learn More

Specialty Contact Lenses

Specialty Contact Lenses

The specialty contact lens clinic utilizes the latest technology and products to fit and treat the needs of our patients.  These lenses can be designed for high astigmatism, bifocals, or a case of medical necessity. Learn More

Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is a personalized program of exercises to train your eyes to move, partner, and focus better and to train your brain to better process visual information. Optometric vision therapy is used to treat amblyopia (lazy eye), and it also can help improve control of strabismus (eye turn). At Brenart, we are excited to offer a home-based therapy program individualized to fit your unique needs. Call us today to learn more. Learn More

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