Visual options for everyday life

Progressive lenses have been the gold standard for many years. The design gradually progresses from your distance to reading prescription allowing you to see clearly at multiple distances with one pair of glasses. Our free form progressive lenses offer the largest viewing area on the market.

Lens options

While progressive lenses are a jack of all trades tool there are occupational lenses that master specific use cases. General progressives can sometimes lead us to tip our heads back to look at an object. This sets up an uncomfortable head position that can lead to neck and back problems. There are three main types of work space lenses that we use at Brenart depending on your personal needs.


  1. 2-3 foot lenses. This lens work well when you need to be close physically to where you are working such as a welder or painter. When looking straight ahead these lenses focus best at objects 24-30 inches away and progress to 6-10 inches.
  2. 3-5 foot lenses. This lens is ideal for those who are working on computers for the majority of their day. When looking straight ahead these lenses focus best at objects 3-5 feet away and progress to 15 inches.
  3. 10 foot lenses. This lens is designed for those working in an office setting. When looking straight ahead these lenses focus best at objects ~10 feet away and progress to 15 inches.

Please speak to one of our opticians at your next appointment to discuss which progressive lens is best for YOUR lifestyle.

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