What Is Optometric Vision Therapy?

Optometric Vision Therapy is an individualized treatment program designed to improve visual function and performance. It is conducted under the supervision of an optometrist to treat disorders such as convergence insufficiency, ocular motility dysfunction, strabismus (eye turn), amblyopia (lazy eye), accommodative dysfunction, and learning related vision problems. Optometric Vision Therapy is supported by ongoing, evidence-based scientific research.

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What Do We Treat With Optometric Vision Therapy?

Convergence Insufficiency (CI)

Convergence Insufficiency is a common vision disorder in which the eyes do not work well together at near. This lack of eye teaming can cause double vision while reading or doing close work.

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Strabismus (Eye Turn)

The term Strabismus is used to describe misaligned eyes. There are different types of strabismus based off which direction the eye or eyes turn. Strabismus cases can range from mild to severe based on the amount of deviation between the eyes.

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Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)

Amblyopia most commonly occurs when there is a weaker eye due to eye misalignment or a large refractive error. Over time, the brain learns to permanently ignore the weaker eye and favors the stronger and more dominant eye.

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Learning Related Vision Problems

Vision plays a vital role in your child’s learning and development. According to COVD, many signs, symptoms, and behaviors associated with learning disabilities are similar to those caused by vision problems. This is why it is incredibly important to schedule your child for a Comprehensive Eye Examination if they are struggling in school.

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Accommodative Dysfunction (Focusing Difficulties)

Our eyes will make automatic adjustments in order to focus vision quickly and clearly when looking far away and up close. Accommodative Dysfunction occurs when there is a problem with how quickly our eyes can refocus vision and make those necessary adjustments.

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Oculomotor Dysfunction (Disorders of Coordinated Eye Movement)

OMD occurs when there is a deficiency in an individual’s ability to execute controlled and voluntary eye movements. OMD can occur in people of all ages and affects reading, balance, depth perception and most other visually related tasks.

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